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Forum Posts

Sep 02, 2020
In Welcome to the Forum
We hope you find the site interesting. Hopefully it will grow as people contribute and we populate the pages with information and imagery which we find. Thanks for taking a look.
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Sep 01, 2020
In Welcome to the Forum
Being prey to infill development, the burgage plot has always been an invaluable part of urban development. But where are those that are still intact? A great many were still with us until relatively recently. in Wells, it was as recent as the 1950s before the plots to the North of the city were altered to accommodate a road and more recently only in the 1980s when so many of the plots were subdivided, the back half sold for individual houses. If you know of a plot that has retained its original size without any subdivision or development, please let us know. And if you have any pictures, all the better.
Help in the search for intact burgage plots content media
Sep 01, 2020
In Welcome to the Forum
We hope people will ask and answer questions about burgage plots, their history, their impact on urban society and the nitty gritty of looking after living archeology, whether care and upkeep of large stone walls, uses of materials, recording of artefacts, creating a history of your plot, or how to have a plot recognised by your council and heritage society in order to give it and its setting a little more protection from abuse and development.
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